Special Events


Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso, Valli Orco e Soana
06-07-2024 / 22-07-2024


Gran Paradiso dal Vivo is an itinerant festival in every sense of the word, both because the shows are staged in various municipalities on the Piemonte side of the Gran Paradiso National Park, and because many take place while walking along the trails, discovering unknown and fascinating places.

Theatre without curtains, with the starry sky as a roof and the rising or setting sun as lights: ten days during which to breathe good air, fill your eyes with greenery, soak your feet in a stream, taste the local products, all linked by the thread of the stories that the theatre tells.

  • Saturday 6, Frassinetto, Village Chiapinetto: The book of numbers, Archétipi/Versiliadanza + Divine Drawing, by and with Christian Gallucci
  • Saturday 6, Locana, IREN Power Station in Rosone: I get down and am happy, by and with Daniele Ronco
  • Sunday 7, Alpette, Musrai Alpine pasture: Copper nature, travelling show by and with Riccardo Gili
  • Saturday 13, Ribordone, Prascondù Shrine: How Wang Fo was saved, with Sista Bramini
  • Saturday 13, Noasca, La Cascata Hotel: 6° (six degrees), by and with Giobbe Covatta
  • Sunday 14, Ceresole Reale, Park Visitor Centre: Metamorphosis of the Nymph Io, with Sista Bramini
  • Saturday 20, Sparone, Rock: Princes and Principles, by and with Riccardo Gili
  • Saturday 20, Ronco Canavese, Piazzetta: Of water and land, by and with Lucilla Giagnoni
  • Sunday 21, Valprato Soana, locality Sacairi: Carillon of fairy tales, by and with Piero Cherici and Filippo Mugnai.


Saturday 6 July 2024 / Monday 22 July 2024

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