Cinema Theatre Dance
Special Events


Sedi varie
01-10-2024 / 04-10-2024
Prix Italia 2024

With ‘Loud and Clear’ the Prix italia back in Torino, and chooses a widespread formula, involving various TV, cinema and music venues. The title of the edition was chosen to celebrate the 100th anniversary of RAI and in particular of Radio and the 150th anniversary of Guglielmo Marconi’s birth.

A special edition for the Prix Italia, the international competition that has involved hundreds of broadcasters since 1948 to award the best of radio, TV and digital productions in a kermesse open to the public and accessible to all.

During the Festival there will be no shortage of Rai Previews in the presence of the talent and the opportunity to meet the directors and producers of the finalist programmes up to the Awards Ceremony on the final evening.


Tuesday 1 October 2024 / Friday 4 October 2024

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