Along with the World FISU Games, Saturday 18 January sees the return of 2025 Bardolesa, the exhilarating sled race that is becoming a regular fixture of the Bardonecchia winter.
The important event takes its name from the large wooden sleighs, the lese, pulled by men and women to transport hay for the animals and firewood across the Alps.
But what exactly is it all about?
It is a timed, goliardic, sporting, recreational and somewhat artistic competition; it has the objectives of fun, aggregation, valorisation of the territory and stimulation of creativity; it is aimed at young and old!
Participants must build their own sled using any tool that can slide on the snow using skis, snowboards or any other method of free creation and imagination, as long as it is not dangerous for the crew and the public, and can be decorated as they wish. The crew must consist of between one and four people.
With this lesa, the participants will tackle a fun course in the snow comprising curves, jumps, obstacles and special effects. Prizes will be awarded for the three most beautiful, the fastest and the ugliest lese.
Claudio Lauretta, imitator of many famous people, will comment on the descents/impressions of the crews!